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Wife must prove that she is being unable to maintain herself (2014-10-28)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 – Precondition for grant of maintenance -- Inability to maintain herself is the pre-condition for grant of maintenance to the wife -- The wife must... Read More

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance (2005-05-06)

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance – Considering the peculiar circumstances of the case the Court held that the bar under Section 125(3) cannot be applied

Whether qualified unemployed wife is entitled to get maintenance (2000-03-24)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 – Whether qualified unemployed wife is entitled to get maintenance – Held: well qualified spouses desirous of remaining idle, not making efforts... Read More

Right to maintenance for a daughter after attaining majority (2016-03-17)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 ------ Right to maintenance for a daughter after attaining majority ----- Held: the right of a girl for maintenance from parents after attaining majority till... Read More