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Sunday 9th March, 2025 08:15 PM
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Insurance Company repudiated the insurance claim of the appellant citing breach of Condition (2017-10-04)

Consumer Protection Act, 1986; Insurance Company repudiated the insurance claim of the appellant citing breach of Condition No. 1, i.e. immediate information about the loss/theft of the vehicle ------ Held: If the reason for delay in making a claim is satisfactorily explained, such a claim cannot be rejected on the ground of delay ----- it would not be fair and reasonable to reject genuine claims which had already been verified and found to be correct by the Investigator ----- The condition regarding the delay shall not be a shelter to repudiate the insurance claims which have been otherwise proved to be genuine ----- It needs no emphasis that the Consumer Protection Act aims at providing better protection of the interest of consumers. It is a beneficial legislation that deserves liberal construction ----- It is common knowledge that a person who lost his vehicle may not straightaway go to the Insurance Company to claim compensation. At first, he will make efforts to trace the vehicle ----- Claim petition is allowed.

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