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Whether bank can refuse to make payment to nominee (2016-03-30)

Whether bank can refuse to make payment to nominee
Banking Regulation Act, 1949; S. 45ZA – Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985; R. 2(1) -- Whether bank can refuse to make payment to nominee -- Nomination made by a depositor/account... Read More

A complainant can file an application for special leave to appeal against an order of acquittal of any kind only to the High Court (2016-09-01)

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881; S. 138 ---- Whether the petitioner being victim complainant was entitled to prefer the appeal against judgment and order of acquittal in the Court of the learned... Read More

Conversion of the contested Divorce suit to Mutual Divorce (2015-01-07)

Special Marriage Act, 1954; S. 27 and 28 – Conversion of the contested Divorce suit to Mutual Divorce – Held: the learned Judge ought to have allowed the petitioner’s application... Read More

The settlement records of right are not the documents of title (2013-07-30)

West Bengal Estate Acquisition Act, 1953; S. 5A --- West Bengal Land Reforms and Tenancy Tribunal Act, 1997 – West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1956 – Revenue Officer hold that the transfer... Read More

Whether Revenue Officer can decide the title of a property (2014-07-10)

West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955; ----- Whether Revenue Officer can decide the title of a property? ------ Held: The Decree passed in the Civil Court is not only binding upon the parties but also... Read More

Recording of Barga (2014-04-11)

West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955 ----- Recording of Barga ---- Held that in order to establish bargadar in the land of another person, the Bargadar must prove the following : - 1. that he himself... Read More

What to consider while Rejection of plaint (2016-08-04)

Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; O. 7 R. 11 – What to consider while Rejection of plaint – Held: Court is required to consider the pleadings made out in the plaint itself and the annexures... Read More

Whether during pendency of Divorce Suit the wife has right to reside at her husbands residence (2008-07-18)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 13 ----- Whether during pendency of Divorce Suit the wife has right to reside at her husband’s residence ----- Wife has been residing at a rental accommodation... Read More