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Wife must prove that she is being unable to maintain herself (2014-10-28)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 – Precondition for grant of maintenance -- Inability to maintain herself is the pre-condition for grant of maintenance to the wife -- The wife must... Read More

Maintenance claim by wife ----- Entitlement if Divorce decree has been passed in favour of husband on the ground of cruelty (1999-08-20)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125- Maintenance claim by wife ----- Entitlement if Divorce decree has been passed in favour of husband on the ground of cruelty ------ A Divorce was passed in... Read More

Right to maintenance for a daughter after attaining majority (2016-03-17)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 ------ Right to maintenance for a daughter after attaining majority ----- Held: the right of a girl for maintenance from parents after attaining majority till... Read More

Earning mother liability towards maintenance (2000-03-28)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 26 – Whether earning mother has any liability towards maintenance of the child -- As much the obligation of the father to maintain a minor child as that of the... Read More

Territorial Jurisdiction to file case for maintenance (2017-02-15)

Code of Criminal Procedure, S. 125, 126; ------- Territorial Jurisdiction to file case for maintenance ------- Regarding the place of institution and adjudication of the maintenance proceeding, it is... Read More

Whether during pendency of Divorce Suit the wife has right to reside at her husbands residence (2008-07-18)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 13 ----- Whether during pendency of Divorce Suit the wife has right to reside at her husband’s residence ----- Wife has been residing at a rental accommodation... Read More

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance (2005-05-06)

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance – Considering the peculiar circumstances of the case the Court held that the bar under Section 125(3) cannot be applied

Whether qualified unemployed wife is entitled to get maintenance (2000-03-24)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125 – Whether qualified unemployed wife is entitled to get maintenance – Held: well qualified spouses desirous of remaining idle, not making efforts... Read More