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Registration of FIR (2013-11-12)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 154 – Registration of F.I.R. – The mandate upon the Police – Held: (i) Registration of FIR is mandatory under Section 154 of the Code, if the... Read More

What to consider while Rejection of plaint (2016-08-04)

Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; O. 7 R. 11 – What to consider while Rejection of plaint – Held: Court is required to consider the pleadings made out in the plaint itself and the annexures... Read More

Complaint against developer for delayed possession (2018-04-17)

Consumer Protection Act, 1986; Force Majeure -- Complaint against developer for delayed possession – Developer took the plea of Force Majeure on the ground that Authority failed to supply... Read More

Loss of Original will and Lack of English knowledge of testator (2014-09-08)

Indian Succession Act, 1925; Ss. 281, 282 -- Whether execution of will in English can be doubted on ground that testator was not knowing English language ----- Held: The lack of knowledge of English... Read More