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Loss of Original will and Lack of English knowledge of testator (2014-09-08)

Indian Succession Act, 1925; Ss. 281, 282 -- Whether execution of will in English can be doubted on ground that testator was not knowing English language ----- Held: The lack of knowledge of English... Read More

Maintenance claim by wife ----- Entitlement if Divorce decree has been passed in favour of husband on the ground of cruelty (1999-08-20)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 125- Maintenance claim by wife ----- Entitlement if Divorce decree has been passed in favour of husband on the ground of cruelty ------ A Divorce was passed in... Read More

Can illegitimate child succeed mothers property (1964-03-13)

Hindu Succession Act, 1956; -- Whether illegitimate son/daughter does not succeed his/her mother's property -- The normal rule of construction of the words "child" "son" or... Read More

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance (2005-05-06)

Limitation to file claim for due maintenance – Considering the peculiar circumstances of the case the Court held that the bar under Section 125(3) cannot be applied

Whether a judicial Magistrate, after taking cognizance of an offence, on the basis of a police report and after appearance of the accused in pursuance of the process issued, can order of its own, further investigation (2017-02-02)

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; S. 156 (3) ----- Further investigation --- -- Held: on receipt of the report, before taking cognizance of the offence alleged, may direct further investigation under... Read More

Earning mother liability towards maintenance (2000-03-28)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 26 – Whether earning mother has any liability towards maintenance of the child -- As much the obligation of the father to maintain a minor child as that of the... Read More

Limitation Act, 1963; S. 6 and 8 (1999-02-02)

Limitation Act, 1963; S. 6 and 8; Limitation Act, 1963; Art. 60 -- The starting point of limitation is the attaining of majority by the ward and the period of limitation is three years -- the... Read More

Whether presence of Arbitration clause in the agreement oust the jurisdiction of Consumer Forum (2018-02-13)

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996; S. 8 ----- Consumer Protection Act, 1986; ------- Whether presence of Arbitration clause in the agreement oust the jurisdiction of Consumer Forum -----... Read More

allegations of adultery consists of cruelty (2015-02-18)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 13 ----- whether a false allegation of adultery levelled by one spouse against the other leads to a conclusion that the said spouse has been treated with mental cruelty... Read More

marital dispute the wife filed case under section 406/498A IPC (2012-05-10)

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 13B ------ Out of marital dispute the wife filed case under section 406/498A IPC and also under the provisions of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence 2005 -----... Read More